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Everyone is invited to participate. Maybe you really like aliquots and have great ideas on how to improve the chapter on that, or you're a LibreOffice/ guru and know how to improve the layout of the book, or you're on intimate terms with the GIMP and can improve the artwork in the book. If you're interested in getting involved just use the contact information below to get started.

Pharmaceutical Calculations is licensed under the GPL, meaning you are free to make any modifications to the book in any way you wish. Your help can make this the best pharmacy math book ever.

Download the modifiable ODT files to work on (you may need to unpack a compressed file) or the nonmodifiable PDF file simply to check out how the book looks. Once you have completed your modifications email me at and also give an explantion of what things you've modified and how you want your name spelled when I list credits for whom made contributions to this book.

Below is a list of the chapters that are intended to be included in Pharmaceutical Calculations. Chapters in black have been completed, chapters in blue are currently being worked on, and chapters in red still need to be started. Currently all chapters have been completed but the entire book has been sent to editors for review.

Unit 1 - Basic Arithmetic
Chapter 1 - Numeral Systems Used in Pharmacy
Chapter 2 - Fractions
Chapter 3 - Percentages
Chapter 4 - The 24-Hour Time, Exponents, & Scientific Notation
Chapter 5 - Problem Solving Methods
Unit 2 - Basic Pharmacy Math
Chapter 6 - Temperature Scale Conversions
Chapter 7 - Units of Measurement
Chapter 8 - Working with Prescriptions
Chapter 9 - Basic Medication Calculations
Chapter 10 - Basic Infusion Calculations
Unit 3 - Community Pharmacy Math
Chapter 11 - Day's Supply
Chapter 12 - Compounding Math
Chapter 13 - Calculations for Billing Compounds
Chapter 14 - Pharmacy Business Math
Unit 4 - Institutional Pharmacy Math
Chapter 15 - Parenteral Dosage Calculations
Chapter 16 - Insulin
Chapter 17 - MilliMoles, MilliEquivalents, Millicuries, and International Units
Chapter 18 - Powder Volume Calculations
Chapter 19 - Percentage Strength
Chapter 20 - Ratio Strength
Chapter 21 - Parts, Reducing & Enlarging Formulas, & Parts Per Million
Chapter 22 - Dosage Calculations Based on Body Weight
Chapter 23 - Dosage Calculations Based on Body Surface Area
Chapter 24 - Infusion Rates & Drip Rates
Chapter 25 - Dilutions & Alligations
Chapter 26 - Parenteral Nutrition
Chapter 27 - Aliquots
